Bangalore Ashram, India
20th November, 1997
Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change
Day 29 - Tolerance
Neither accept people as they are nor tolerate them. Many people think tolerance is a virtue but tolerance is actually a negative term. If you like something, you do not have to tolerate it. Tolerance indicates a deep sense of dislike. It indicates a sense of separateness, small mindedness, limited awareness.
When you are tolerating, it means you are temporarily putting up with it. Tolerance is a potential volcano. If you are tolerating, it means you are still holding on to something. Acceptance is also negative. You accept only that which is not lovable.
Question - Do you need self assurance to love people?
Gurudev - Only the self is assuring, nothing else. This is our company, the Self Assurance Company.
Question - But aren't we supposed to accept people as they are?
Gurudev - If you do not love them, then you have to accept them. I tell you, do not accept people as they are. Just love them as they are. Tolerance and acceptance come with judgment and separation.