This world is imagined in me like silver in a sea-shell. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥3॥

अहं स शुक्तिसङ्काशो
रूप्यवद् विश्वकल्पना।
इति ज्ञानं तथैतस्य
न त्यागो न ग्रहो लयः॥६- ३॥

यह विश्व मुझमें वैसे ही कल्पित है जैसे कि सीप में चाँदी। यह ज्ञान है, इसका न त्याग करना है और न ग्रहण बस इसके साथ एकरूप होना है॥३॥

This world is imagined in me like silver in a sea-shell. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥3॥

Ashtavakra Gita


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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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