This is me and that is not me, give up all such dualities. Decide that as a soul, you are everything, have no other resolutions and stay blissfully.॥15॥
अयं सोऽहमयं नाहं
विभागमिति संत्यज।
सर्वमात्मेति निश्चित्य
निःसङ्कल्पः सुखी भव ॥१५- १५॥
यह मैं हूँ और यह मैं नहीं हूँ, इस प्रकार के भेद को त्याग दो। सब कुछ आत्मस्वरूप तुम ही हो, ऐसा निश्चय करके और कोई संकल्प न करते हुए सुखी हो जाओ ॥१५॥
This is me and that is not me, give up all such dualities. Decide that as a soul, you are everything, have no other resolutions and stay blissfully.॥15॥
Ashtavakra Gita