This body, which is composed of three attributes of nature stays, comes and goes. Soul (you) neither come nor go, so why do you bother about it.॥9॥
गुणैः संवेष्टितो देह-
स्तिष्ठत्यायाति याति च।
आत्मा न गंता नागंता
किमेनमनुशोचसि॥१५- ९॥
गुणों से निर्मित यह शरीर स्थिति, जन्म और मरण को प्राप्त होता है, आत्मा न आती है और न ही जाती है, अतः तुम क्यों शोक करते हो॥९॥
This body, which is composed of three attributes of nature stays, comes and goes. Soul (you) neither come nor go, so why do you bother about it.॥9॥
Ashtavakra Gita