There is no man subject to samsara, sense of individuality, goal or means to the goal for the wise man who is always free from imaginations, and unchanging as space.॥66॥
क्व संसारः क्व चाभासः
क्व साध्यं क्व च साधनं।
आकाशस्येव धीरस्य
निर्विकल्पस्य सर्वदा॥१८- ६६॥
धीर पुरुष सदा आकाश के समान निर्विकल्प रहता है। उसकी दृष्टि में संसार कहाँ और उसकी प्रतीति कहाँ? उसके लिए साध्य क्या और साधन क्या?॥६६॥
There is no man subject to samsara, sense of individuality, goal or means to the goal for the wise man who is always free from imaginations, and unchanging as space.॥66॥
Ashtavakra Gita