There is bondage, as long as there is feeling of 'I' and 'my' and liberation is when there is no feeling of 'I' and 'my'. Knowing this stay playful neither accepting nor sacrificing anything.॥4॥
यदा नाहं तदा मोक्षो
यदाहं बन्धनं तदा।
मत्वेति हेलया किंचिन्-
मा गृहाण विमुंच मा॥८- ४॥
जब तक 'मैं' या 'मेरा' का भाव है तब तक बंधन है, जब 'मैं' या 'मेरा' का भाव नहीं हैतब मुक्ति है। यह जानकर न कुछ त्याग करो और न कुछ ग्रहण ही करो ॥४॥
There is bondage, as long as there is feeling of 'I' and 'my' andliberation is when there is no feeling of 'I' and 'my'. Knowing this stay playful neither accepting nor sacrificing anything.॥4॥
Ashtavakra Gita