The wise man who just goes on doing what presents itself for him to do, encounters no difficulty in either activity or inactivity.॥20॥
प्रवृत्तौ वा निवृत्तौ वा
नैव धीरस्य दुर्ग्रहः।
यदा यत्कर्तुमायाति
तत्कृत्वा तिष्ठते सुखम्॥१८- २०॥
तत्त्वज्ञ का प्रवृत्ति या निवृत्ति का दुराग्रह नहीं होता। जब जो सामने आ जाता है तब उसे करके वह आनंद से रहता है॥२०॥
The wise man who just goes on doing what presents itself for him to do, encounters no difficulty in either activity or inactivity.॥20॥
Ashtavakra Gita