The wise man stands out by being free from anticipation, without attachment to such things as children or wives, free from desire for the senses, and not even concerned about his own body.॥84॥
निःस्नेहः पुत्रदारादौ
निष्कामो विषयेषु च।
निश्चिन्तः स्वशरीरेऽपि
निराशः शोभते बुधः॥१८- ८४॥
जो धीर पुरुष पुत्र-स्त्री आदि के प्रति आसक्ति से रहित होता है, विषय की उपलब्धि में उसकी प्रवृत्ति नहीं होती, अपने शरीर के लिए भी निश्चिन्त रहता है, सभी आशाओं से रहित होता है, वह सुशोभित होता है॥८४॥
The wise man stands out by being free from anticipation, without attachment to such things as children or wives, free from desire for the senses, and not even concerned about his own body.॥84॥
Ashtavakra Gita