The straightforward person does whatever arrives to be done, good or bad, for his actions are like those of a child.॥49॥
यदा यत्कर्तुमायाति
तदा तत्कुरुते ऋजुः।
शुभं वाप्यशुभं वापि
तस्य चेष्टा हि बालवत्॥१८- ४९॥
स्वभाव में स्थित ज्ञानी, शुभ हो या अशुभ, जो जब करने के लिए सामने आ जाता है, तब वह उसे बालक की चेष्टा के समान सरलता से कर डालता है॥४९॥
The straightforward person does whatever arrives to be done, good or bad, for his actions are like those of a child.॥49॥
Ashtavakra Gita