The realm of one's own self is not far away, and nor can it be achieved by the addition of limitations to its nature. It is unimaginable, effortless, unchanging and spotless.॥5॥
न दूरं न च संकोचाल्-
लब्धमेवात्मनः पदं।
निर्विकल्पं निरायासं
निर्विकारं निरंजनम्॥१८- ५॥
आत्मा न तो दूर है और न पास, वह तो प्राप्त ही है, तुम स्वयं ही हो उसमें न विकल्प है, न प्रयत्न, न विकार और न मल ही॥५॥
The realm of one's own self is not far away, and nor can it be achieved by the addition of limitations to its nature. It is unimaginable, effortless, unchanging and spotless.॥5॥
Ashtavakra Gita