The pure man who has experienced the Indescribable attains peace by his own nature, realizing that all this is nothing but illusion, and that nothing is.॥70॥
भ्रमभृतमिदं सर्वं
किंचिन्नास्तीति निश्चयी।
अलक्ष्यस्फुरणः शुद्धः
स्वभावेनैव शाम्यति॥१८- ७०॥
यह सम्पूर्ण दृश्य जगत भ्रम मात्र है, यह कुछ नहीं है - ऐसे निश्चय से युक्त पुरुष दृश्य की स्फूर्ति से भी रहित हो जाता है और स्वभाव से ही शांत हो जाता है॥७०॥
The pure man who has experienced the Indescribable attains peace by his own nature, realizing that all this is nothing but illusion, and that nothing is.॥70॥
Ashtavakra Gita