The knower of truth is never troubled by anything in this world, for the whole world is completely pervaded by that Brahma(Lord) alone.॥2॥
न कदाचिज्जगत्यस्मिन्
तत्त्वज्ञा हन्त खिद्यति।
यत एकेन तेनेदं
पूर्णं ब्रह्माण्डमण्डलम्॥१७- २॥
तत्त्व(ब्रह्म) को जानने वाला कभी भी किसी बात से इस संसार में दुखी नहीं होता है क्योंकि उस एक ब्रह्म से ही यह सम्पूर्ण विश्व पूर्णतः व्याप्त है॥२॥
The knower of truth is never troubled by anything in this world, for the whole world is completely pervaded by that Brahma(Lord) alone.॥2॥
Ashtavakra Gita