“A few years ago when I was staying on the 14th floor in Hawaii, I looked outside my window. It was pitch dark but there were so many lights shimmering in the city of Honolulu. The thought came that these city lights were fighting with the darkness of the new moon.
But, they could not vanquish the night; the night was so deep and dark. On the other side, it also seemed like the night is giving a chance to all these millions of lights to shine. It is the night which is enabling the stars to exhibit their glory.
One way to look at it was that the lights are fighting the night and from another angle the night was glorifying the lights.
Similarly, in life, any situation can be viewed from two points. The wise way is to see how adverse situations glorify your qualities and bring out your beautiful qualities.
You cannot fully exhibit your goodness in a very pleasant atmosphere. Goodness does have value when things are good, but it shines forth prominently in situations when things are not so conducive.
So, compassion has value, your patience has value, your endurance has value when situations are adverse. The faith that you hold on to during tough times is the real faith. That faith has great value”
~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji