Bangalore Ashram, India,
6th September, 1995
Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change
Day 39 - Respect
Why do you respect someone? You respect them because of good qualities such as honesty, wisdom, love and talents. But all these change in time and when they change, you lose respect. You only respect greatness. I have tremendous respect for each and every one of you.
Not for your greatness or wisdom or talent, but for the very person you are. I respect everyone totally, so I can never lose respect for anybody, however they may be. Someone does not need to be great in order to be respected. Respecting life makes you great.
Do not look for respect from others, that makes you weak. Have respect for the self and no one can take your self respect. When others respect you, it is not because you possess some virtues. It is because of their greatness. If you say God is great, it means you are great.
God is already great, your saying so does not affect God. When you respect someone, it only shows your own magnanimity. However many people you do not respect in the world, that much less is your wealth. If you respect everyone in the world, that much more is your value. Wise is the one who respects everyone.
Question - How can you respect a terrorist or a criminal?
Gurudev - You should respect a terrorist too because he shows you the way at his own cost. Respectfulness is a quality of refined consciousness. Respect for the self is faith and faith is being open.