Bangalore Ashram, India
24th April, 1996
Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change
Day 50 - Mercy
Mercy indicates lack of intimacy, a distance, a lack of belonging. You do not have mercy on your loved ones. You do not hear parents say, “I have mercy on my children”. You have mercy on those whom
you think are not yours. Mercy indicates anger, judgment and
When you ask for mercy, you are self centered. You want to be excused from the law of cause and effect. It indicates lack of courage and valor. At times, mercy is an impediment to growth. Mercy, of course, brings some comfort and relief, but it can impair any transformation.
If the leaves were to ask for mercy from falling, they would not be transformed and then what would happen to the tree? Two of our devotees, high on bliss, did not stop at a stop sign, so the police mercilessly gave them a ticket. Victoria said, “Thank you,” but the police woman told her to go to court and beg for mercy.
You only ask for mercy if you think that God is angry and judging you. This is the small mind superimposing its nature on the Divine mind. The Divine is all knowing and all loving, there is no chance for mercy. When you know and trust the process of creation, you will simply rejoice. Do you know I have no mercy? When there is intimacy, there is no place for mercy.