Medical Terminology

1. Genetics: The branch of biology concerned with the study of heredity and variation 

2. Eugenics: The application of principles of genetics for the 
improvement of human kind. 

3. Gene pool: The sum total of all the alleles present in the breeding or reproductive members of a random mating population. 

4. Gene frequency: The proportion of one allele relative to all the alleles of a gene in a Mendelian population.
5. Cytogenetics: Concerns with the study of various aspects of 
chromosomes and their effects on the development of characters of organisms

6. Genome: A complete set of chromosomes of a diploid species
7. The first artificial hybrids in plants were produced by Thomas Fairchild in 1717 when he crossed sweet William with carnation.
8. Euphenics: Deals with the control of hereditary diseases 
especially inborn errors of metabolism.
9. Epistasis: When one gene affects in any way the expression of another gene, the phenomenon is called epistasis.
10. Genomics: It refers to the study of the structure and function of entire genome of an organism. 

11. Biodiversity: Refers to the total variability present within and among species of all living organisms and their habits 

12. Acclimatization: Refers to adaptation or adjustment of an 
introduced variety to the new environment. 

13. A -line: Means the male sterile parent used in crossing to develop a new hybrid seed. it is the male sterile line. 

14. B -line: It is the fertile counter parent of the 'A' line, it is also called the maintainer line.
15. R -line: It is an inbred line which when crossed with a male sterile strain, the resultant hybrid is male fertile.
16. In vitro: biochemical process taking place in a test tubes (in lab.)


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