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Medical Definitions

Medical Definitions

1. Abrasion: A cut or scrape that typically isn’t serious.
2. Abscess: A tender, fluid-filled pocket that forms in tissue, usually due to infection.
3. Acute: Signifies a condition that begins abruptly and is sometimes severe, but the duration is short.
4. Benign: Not cancerous.
5. Biopsy: A small sample of tissue that’s taken for testing.
6. Chronic: Signifies a recurring, persistent condition like heart disease.
7. Contusion: A bruise.
8. Defibrillator: A medical device that uses electric shocks to restore normal heartbeat.
9. Edema: Swelling caused by fluid accumulation.
10. Embolism: An arterial blockage, often caused by a blood clot.
11. Epidermis: The outer layer of the skin.
12. Fracture: Broken bone or cartilage.
13. Gland: An organ or tissue that produces and secretes fluids that serve a specific function.
14. Hypertension: High blood pressure.
15. Inpatient: A patient who requires hospitalization.
16. Intravenous: Indicates medication or fluid that’s delivered by vein.
17. Malignant: Indicates the presence of cancerous cells.
18. Outpatient: A patient who receives care without being admitted to a hospital.
19. Prognosis: The predicated outcome of disease progression and treatment.
20. Relapse: Return of disease or symptoms after a patient has recovered.
21. Sutures: Stitches, which are used to join tissues together as they heal.
22. Transplant: The removal of an organ or tissue from one body that is implanted into another.
23. Vaccine: A substance that stimulates antibody production to provide immunity against disease.
24. Zoonotic disease: A disease that is transmissible from animals to humans.
25. A-, an-: Lack of or without.

26. -ation: Indicates a process.

27. Dys-: Abnormal, difficult, or painful.

28. -ectomy: Surgical removal of something.

29. -ismus: Indicates a spasm or contraction.

30. -itis: Signifies inflammation.

31. -lysis: Decomposition, destruction, or breaking down.

32. Macro-: Large in size.

33. Melan/o-: Black or dark in color.

34. Micro-: Small in size.
35. -ology: The study of a
 particular concentration.

36. -osis: Indicates something that is abnormal.

37. -otomy: To cut into.

38. -pathy: Disease or disease process.

39. -plasty: Surgical repair.

40. Poly-: Many.

41. Pseudo-: False or deceptive, usually in regard to appearance.

42. Retro-: Behind or backward.
43. Cardi/o: Related to the heart.

44. Derm/a/o, dermat/o: Pertaining to the skin.

45. Encephal/o: Related to the brain.

46. Gastr/o: Related to the stomach.

47. Hemat/o: Pertaining to blood.

48. My/o: Related to muscle.

49. Oste/o: Related to bone.

50. Pulmon/o: Refers to the lungs.

51. Rhin/o: Related to the nose.

52. Sclerosis: Hard or hardening.

53. Stasis: Slowing or stopping the flow of a bodily fluid.

54. Therm/o: Indicates heat.


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