The mantra pushpanjali given here is from the Vedas (Vedokta). This means that they have to be recited in a specific manner. It is advisable to learn the correct pronunciation of these mantras from the learned people and practice well before attempting to recite these mantras. The reason behind this being, if the mantras are recited incorrectly there is a possibility of experiencing distress.
Om yajnena yajnamayajanta devaastani dharmani prathamaanyaasan |
Te ha naakam mahimanah sachanta
yatra purve sadhyahsanti devah ||
Om raajaadhiraajaaya prasahyasaahine | namo vayam vaishravanaaya kurmahe |
Sa me kaamaan kaamakaamaaya mahyamkameshwaro vaishravano dadatu |
Kuberaya vaishravanaya
mahaarajaaya namah |
Om swasti |
samrajyam bhoujyam swaraajyam
Vairaajyam paarameshthyam raajyam mahaaraajyamadahipatyamayam
Samaamtaparyaeesyat saarvabhoumah saarvaayusha aantaadaaparaardhat |
Pruthivyaisamudraparyantaayaa ekaraaliti | tadapyeshashloko bhigito marutah pariveshtaaro maruttasyaa vasan gruhe | avikshitasyakaamaprervishvedevaah sabhaasada iti |