Looking at the various stages of life and their absence, rules accepted and prohibited by mind and such options, I stay as I am.॥5॥
आश्रमानाश्रमं ध्यानं
विकल्पं मम वीक्ष्यै-
तैरेवमेवाहमास्थितः॥१२- ५॥
आश्रम - अनाश्रम, ध्यान और मन द्वारा स्वीकृत और निषिद्ध नियमों को देख कर मैं अपने स्वरुप में स्थित हूँ॥५॥
Looking at the various stages of life and their absence, rules accepted and prohibited by mind and such options, I stay as I am.॥5॥
Ashtavakra Gita