Knowing everything as just imagination, and himself as eternally free, how should the wise man behave like a fool?॥7॥
समस्तं कल्पनामात्र-
मात्मा मुक्तः सनातनः।
इति विज्ञाय धीरो हि
किमभ्यस्यति बालवत्॥१८- ७॥
सब कुछ कल्पना मात्र है और आत्मा नित्य मुक्त है, धीर पुरुष इस तथ्य को जान कर फिर बालक के समान क्या अभ्यास करे?॥१७॥
Knowing everything as just imagination, and himself as eternally free, how should the wise man behave like a fool?॥7॥
Ashtavakra Gita