Knowing consciousness directly, a guru, who is unattached and neutral, will definitely lead others out of the cycle of birth and death.॥6॥

कृत्वा मूर्तिपरिज्ञानं
चैतन्यस्य न किं गुरुः।
यस्तारयति संसृतेः॥९- ६॥

चैतन्य का साक्षात् ज्ञान प्राप्त करके कौन वैराग्य और समता से युक्त कौन गुरु जन्म और मृत्यु के बंधन से तार नहीं देगा॥६॥

Knowing consciousness directly, a guru, who is unattached and neutral, will definitely lead others out of the cycle of birth and death.॥6॥

Ashtavakra Gita


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