Keeping their gaze unoccupied, having stilled the tendency of their senses, they have no attachment or aversion for this feeble world.॥9॥
शून्या दृष्टिर्वृथा चेष्टा
विकलानीन्द्रियाणि च।
न स्पृहा न विरक्तिर्वा
क्षीणसंसारसागरे॥१७- ९॥
दृष्टि को शून्य और अस्थिर इन्द्रियों की चेष्टा को नष्ट करके, इस अशक्त संसार रूपी सागर से न तो आसक्ति रखते हैं और न ही विरक्ति॥९॥
Keeping their gaze unoccupied, having stilled the tendency of their senses, they have no attachment or aversion for this feeble world.॥9॥
Ashtavakra Gita