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Keeping their gaze unoccupied, having stilled the tendency of their senses, they have no attachment or aversion for this feeble world.॥9॥

शून्या दृष्टिर्वृथा चेष्टा
विकलानीन्द्रियाणि च।
न स्पृहा न विरक्तिर्वा
क्षीणसंसारसागरे॥१७- ९॥

दृष्टि को शून्य और अस्थिर इन्द्रियों की चेष्टा को नष्ट करके, इस अशक्त संसार रूपी सागर से न तो आसक्ति रखते हैं और न ही विरक्ति॥९॥

Keeping their gaze unoccupied, having stilled the tendency of their senses, they have no attachment or aversion for this feeble world.॥9॥

Ashtavakra Gita


Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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