Indifference in sense objects is liberation and interest in them is bondage. Knowing thus, do as you like.॥2॥
मोक्षो विषयवैरस्यं
बन्धो वैषयिको रसः।
एतावदेव विज्ञानं
यथेच्छसि तथा कुरु॥१५- २॥
विषयों से उदासीन होना मोक्ष है और विषयों में रस लेना बंधन है, ऐसा जानकर तुम्हारी जैसी इच्छा हो वैसा ही करो॥२॥
Indifference in sense objects is liberation and interest in them is bondage. Knowing thus, do as you like.॥2॥
Ashtavakra Gita