He whose mind is pure and undistracted from the simple hearing of the Truth sees neither something to do nor something to avoid nor a cause for indifference.॥48॥
मौदास्यं वा प्रपश्यति॥१८- ४८॥
शुद्ध-बुद्धि पुरुष वस्तु-तत्त्व के केवल सुनने मात्र से आकुलता रहित हो जाता है, फिर आचार-अनाचार या उदासीनता पर उसकी दृष्टि नहीं जाती॥४८॥
He whose mind is pure and undistracted from the simple hearing of the Truth sees neither something to do nor something to avoid nor a cause for indifference.॥48॥
Ashtavakra Gita