He has attained the fruits of Knowledge and Yoga both, who is content, is of purified senses, and always enjoys his solitude.॥1॥
अष्टावक्र उवाच -
तेन ज्ञानफलं प्राप्तं
योगाभ्यासफलं तथा।
तृप्तः स्वच्छेन्द्रियो नित्यं
एकाकी रमते तु यः॥१७- १॥
अष्टावक्र कहते हैं - उन्होंने ज्ञान और योग (दोनों) का फल प्राप्त कर लिया है जो सदा संतुष्ट, शुद्ध इन्द्रियों वाले और एकांत में रमने वाले हैं ॥१॥
Ashtavakra says: He has attained the fruits of Knowledge and Yoga both, who is content, is of purified senses, and always enjoys his solitude.॥1॥
Ashtavakra Gita