He by whom inner distraction is seen may put an end to it, but the noble one is not distracted. When there is nothing to achieve, what is he to do? ॥17॥
दृष्टो येनात्मविक्षेपो
निरोधं कुरुते त्वसौ।
उदारस्तु न विक्षिप्तः
साध्याभावात्करोति किम्॥१८- १७॥
जिसने अपने स्वरुप में कभी कोई विक्षेप देखा हो वह उसको रोके। तत्त्व को जानने वाले का विक्षेप कभी होता ही नहीं है, किसी साध्य के बिना वह क्या करे॥१७॥
He by whom inner distraction is seen may put an end to it, but the noble one is not distracted. When there is nothing to achieve, what is he to do? ॥17॥
Ashtavakra Gita