He by whom all this is seen may well make out he doesn't exist, but what is the desireless one to do? Even in seeing he does not see.॥15॥
येन विश्वमिदं दृष्टं स
नास्तीति करोतु वै।
निर्वासनः किं कुरुते
पश्यन्नपि न पश्यति॥१८- १५॥
जिसने इस संसार को वास्तव में देखा हो वह कहे कि यह नहीं है, नहीं है। जो कामना रहित है, वह तो इसको देखते हुए भी नहीं देखता॥१५॥
He by whom all this is seen may well make out he doesn't exist, but what is the desireless one to do? Even in seeing he does not see.॥15॥
Ashtavakra Gita