Having seen the difference of opinions among the great sages, saints and yogis, who will not get detached and attain peace.॥5॥
नाना मतं महर्षीणां
साधूनां योगिनां तथा।
दृष्ट्वा निर्वेदमापन्नः
को न शाम्यति मानवः॥९- ५॥
महर्षियों, साधुओं और योगियों के विभिन्न मतों को देखकर कौन मनुष्य वैराग्यवान होकर शांत नहीं हो जायेगा॥५॥
Having seen the difference of opinions among the great sages, saints and yogis, who will not get detached and attain peace.॥5॥
Ashtavakra Gita