Having attained a state of mind which is devoid of delusion, dream and inertia and full of light, one should discard all mental desires.॥20॥
दशां कामपि संप्राप्तो
भवेद् गलितमानसः॥१७- २०॥
कोई भी मन की मोह, स्वप्न और जड़ता से रहित, प्रकाशित अवस्था को प्राप्त कर मन की इच्छाओं से रहित हो जाये॥२०॥
Having attained a state of mind which is devoid of delusion, dream and inertia and full of light, one should discard all mental desires.॥20॥
Ashtavakra Gita