Glorious is he who has abandoned all goals and is the incarnation of satisfaction, his very nature, and whose inner focus on the Unconditioned is quite spontaneous.॥67॥
स जयत्यर्थसंन्यासी
समाधिर्यस्य वर्तते॥१८- ६७॥
जिस सन्यासी को अपने अखंड स्वरुप में सदा स्वाभाविक रूप से समाधि रहती है, जो पूर्ण स्वानंद स्वरूप है, वही विजयी है॥६७॥
Glorious is he who has abandoned all goals and is the incarnation of satisfaction, his very nature, and whose inner focus on the Unconditioned is quite spontaneous.॥67॥
Ashtavakra Gita