Function of essential nutrients-
Nitrogen- required by plants in greatest amount, it is absorbed by plants as NO2–, NO3– and NH4+ . It is one of the major constituent of proteins, nucleic acids and vitamins.
Phosphorus- Absorbed by plants from soil in the form of phosphate ions. It is the constituent of cell membrane. All nucleic acids and nucleotides require phosphorus.
Potassium – absorbed as potassium ions (K+). Help to maintain cation-anion balance in cells. It is involved in protein synthesis, opening and closing of stomata.
Calcium – absorbed by plants from soil in form of Calcium ions (Ca2+). Used in synthesis of cell wall. It activates certain enzymes.
Magnesium- absorbed by plants in form of Mg2+ ions. It activates the enzymes for respiration, photosynthesis, and involved in synthesis of DNA and RNA. It is constituent of chlorophyll.
Sulphur- plants obtain sulphur in form of sulphate (SO42-). Present in amino acids (cysteine, methionine) and is main constituent of coenzymes and vitamins.
Iron- obtained in the form of ferric iron (Fe3+). It is important constituent of protein involved in transport system.
Manganese-absorbed in form of Mn2+ ions. Main function is splitting of water to liberate Hydrogen and Oxygen during photosynthesis.
Zinc-obtained as Zn2+ ions. Activate enzymes like carboxylases. Needed in formation of Auxin.
Copper –absorbed as cupric ions(Cu2+). Involved in various metabolic activities and redox reactions.
Boron-absorbed as BO33- or B4O72- ions. Required for uptake of calcium, cell elongation and pollen germination.
Chlorine – it is absorbed in form of Cl– ions. Determine the solute concentration and splitting of water during photosynthesis.