For a person having reached his last time, incapable of enjoying and knowing it to be enemy of the gained knowledge, it is surprising to be after sexual desires.॥7॥
उद्भूतं ज्ञानदुर्मित्रम-
आश्चर्यं काममाकाङ्क्षेत् कालमन्तमनुश्रितः॥३- ७॥
अंत समय के निकट पहुँच चुके व्यक्ति का उत्पन्न ज्ञान के अमित्र काम की इच्छा रखना, जिसको धारण करने में वह अत्यंत अशक्त है, आश्चर्य ही है॥७॥
For a person having reached his last time, incapable of enjoying and knowing it to be enemy of the gained knowledge, it is surprising to be after sexual desires.॥7॥
Ashtavakra Gita