Even when pleased he is not pleased, not suffering even when in pain. Only those like him can know the wonderful state of such a man.॥56॥
सन्तुष्टोऽपि न सन्तुष्टः
खिन्नोऽपि न च खिद्यते।
तस्याश्चर्यदशां तां
तादृशा एव जानते॥१८- ५६॥
लौकिक दृष्टि से प्रसन्न दिखने पर वह प्रसन्न नहीं होता और दुखी दिखने पर दुखी नहीं होता। उसकी उस आश्चर्यमय दशा को उसके समान लोग ही जान सकते हैं॥५६॥
Even when pleased he is not pleased, not suffering even when in pain. Only those like him can know the wonderful state of such a man.॥56॥
Ashtavakra Gita