Even when living without any support and eager for achievement, the stupid are still nourishing samsara, while the wise have cut at the very root of its unhappiness.॥38॥
निराधारा ग्रहव्यग्रा
मूढाः संसारपोषकाः।
मूलच्छेदः कृतो बुधैः॥१८- ३८॥
अज्ञानी निराधार आग्रहों में पड़कर संसार का पोषण करते रहते हैं। ज्ञानियों ने सभी अनर्थों की जड़ इस संसार की सत्ता का ही पूर्ण नाश कर दिया है॥३८॥
Even when living without any support and eager for achievement, the stupid are still nourishing samsara, while the wise have cut at the very root of its unhappiness.॥38॥
Ashtavakra Gita