Desires (attachment) create the world. Knowing it, shun all attachments. This detachment will lead to rejection of desires and you as consciousness will remain as you are.॥8॥

वासना एव संसार इति
सर्वा विमुंच ताः।
तत्त्यागो वासनात्यागा-
त्स्थितिरद्य यथा तथा॥९- ८॥

इच्छा ही संसार है, ऐसा जानकर सबका त्याग कर दो, उस त्याग से इच्छाओं का त्याग हो जायेगा और तुम्हारी यथारूप अपने स्वरुप में स्थिति हो जाएगी॥८॥

Desires (attachment) create the world. Knowing it, shun all attachments. This detachment will lead to rejection of desires and you as consciousness will remain as you are.॥8॥

Ashtavakra Gita


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