As long as there is thought of acceptance and rejection of senses, seed of this world-tree exists. So, take shelter in thoughtlessness.॥7॥
हेयोपादेयता तावत्-
स्पृहा जीवति यावद् वै
निर्विचारदशास्पदम्॥१६- ७॥
जब तक (विषयों के) ग्रहण और त्याग की कामना रहती है तब तक संसार रूपी वृक्ष का अंकुर विद्यमान है, अतः विचारहीन अवस्था का आश्रय लो॥७॥
As long as there is thought of acceptance and rejection of senses, seed of this world-tree exists. So, take shelter in thoughtlessness.॥7॥
Ashtavakra Gita