Amazingly, as soon as the mental winds arise in the infinite ocean of myself, many waves of surprising worlds come into existence.॥23॥
अहो भुवनकल्लोलै-
र्विचित्रैर्द्राक् समुत्थितं।
चित्तवाते समुद्यते॥ २-२३॥
आश्चर्य, मुझ अनंत महासागर में चित्तवायु उठने पर ब्रह्माण्ड रूपी विचित्र तरंगें उपस्थित हो जाती हैं॥२३॥
Amazingly, as soon as the mental winds arise in the infinite ocean of myself, many waves of surprising worlds come into existence.॥23॥
Ashtavakra Gita