I have been associated with AOL since October 2008, and in these past few months, my experience has been nothing short of great. I feel that my life and personality have been transformed after being associated with AOL and Gurudev. I did my basic course in October and DSN in December 2009 with Anandji, and it was a complete transformation of life. I was so impressed by Gurudev that I was thinking of meeting him personally and was looking forward to some opportunity to do so. Luckily, I was called for some official training at the Bangalore office in January 2010, and I made up my mind to visit Gurudev in the Ashram. I checked his timing and availability and was supposed to attend Satsang at the Ashram where I got to know that Gurudev would be attending Satsang from 7-9. But that evening, due to heavy traffic, when I reached the Ashram, it was 8:40 PM, and all the doors of the Ashram were locked as Gurudev was about to leave. I saw Gurudev from a glass window and was a little disappointed that I would not be able to see him. I started praying, “Gurudev, I want to see you. Please give me your darshan.” To my surprise, at the main door of Vishalakshi Mandap, where Satsang was held, I was standing and talking to the guard about how I could meet Gurudev. In a few moments, Gurudev was in front of me, and I was busy talking to the guard. I heard Gurudev saying, “Arrey tum bahar kya kar rahein ho,” and I turned. I saw Gurudev passing in front of me, and I was stunned for a few minutes. That was a blissful moment, and now I wait for Gurudev’s blessings. Jai Guru Dev.
1000 names of goddess lalitha (Sahasra nama) with meaning.....The one thousand holy names of goddess Lalitha parameswari- the sahasranama with meaning in plain english. This stotra occurs in the Brahmanda Purana (history of the universe). This during the discussion between Hayagreeva and Agasthya. Hayagreeva ( with the head of a horse) is considered to be the storehouse of knowledge. Agasthya is one of the sages of yore and one of the stars of the constellation Saptarshi (Ursa major). At the request of Agasthya, Hayagreeva is said to have taught him the thousand holiest names of Lalita. laitha-parameswari Aabrahma keeda janani = She has created all beings from worm to Lord Brahma Aagna = who is the order Aarakthavarni = who is slightly red Aashobhana = who has full glitter Abala gopa vidhitha = who is worshipped by all right from children and cowherds Abhyasathisaya gnatha = who can be realized by constant practice Achintya roopa = who is beyond thought Adbutha charith...