Understanding Lord Jagannath
आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु।
बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रगहमेव च॥
Katha Upanishad said Our body is the chariot and our very Self or soul is its charioteer, intellect is its driver, the mind is its reins, the sense organs are the horses pulling the chariot. The philosophical interpretation through Yogic practices this chariot will start its spiritual journey towards Paramatma, where lies the Parama Dhama, the abode of ever blissful state. The Yogic way in order to realize Lord Jagannath has to start the spiritual journey from the root chakra to the crown chakra raising the Kundalini to the Sahasrara where Lord Jagannath is placed on the Ratna Simhasana.
Lord Shri Ram had 12 kalas, Shri Krishna had 16 and at present during Kaliyuga silently sitting and watching as Lord Jagannath; Jagath(world) + Nath (lord). Jagat is the spinal cord consisting of various Chakras starting from Muladhara Chakra up to Ajna Chakra and Natha is the Supreme Soul of the Crown Chakra, Sahasrara. The 16 Kalas of Sri Krishna are the divine arts or attributes of Sri Krishna that makes him Purna Avatar (the complete avatar).
Five Kalas like 1) Anna Maya (with cereals), 2) Pranamaya (with breath), 3) Mano Maya (with mind), 4) Vigyanamaya (with knowledge) and 5) Anandamaya (with joy) are present in every human being. With little effort, humans can perfect in three more kalas - 6) Atishayini, (With Peace) 7) Viparinabhimi (With Love) and 8) Sankramini. (With Creator)
The other remaining eight Kalas are 9) Prabhvi. 10) Kunthini, 11) Vikasini, 12) Maryadini, 16) Sanhaladini, 14) Ahladini,1 5) Paripurna and 16) Swarupavasthit : Anybody who has the ninth Kala besides the first five natural Kalas and next three perfected Kalas, becomes the god.
As per scriptures, the ninth kalas Prabhvi means : Kartum Akartum, that is able to do seemingly impossible tasks. Lord Narasinh is an example of this ninth Kala. Lord Narasinh has an altogether different appearance. He had a body of human and head of a lion. He appeared from a stone pillar that demon Hiranyakashipu had broken with a blow of his mace. It is not possible for an ordinary human being, only a God, having the ninth Kala Prabhvi, can do this. Among all these incarnations, only Lord Krishna is full of all the sixteen Kalas.
In this scriptural appearance Lord Krishna holds nothing but only a seemingly ordinary flute. Even the flute of Lord Krishna is full of all the Kalas and is a symbol of love. In his entire life. Lord Krishna only once raised a weapon, that to in the form of wheel during the battle of Mahabharata, to protect the vow of Pitamaha Bheeshma. Otherwise, only the flute was everything for him. Like a magic stick the flute accompanied Lord Krishna all through his life. With the enchanting tone of the flute, Lord Krishna hypnotized the world (Sammohana) hence, Lord Krishna is also known as Mohana; one that hypnotizes or enchants.
One must learn from it that one must have unconditional love for all the organisms in the word. If one has true, unconditional love for everyone, the world will one day bow before him, very much like when Lord Krishna played enchanting tunes on his flute in Vrindavana, and all the womenfolk and Gopis of Vraja gathered around him, Keeping all their shyness and social bindings at bay. Thus that tune of Lord Krishna's flute was a symbol of love. And love has no limits, no bindings.
Shri Jagannath means the Lord of the Worlds, and it is Lord Vishnu, the protector of the Universe with 64 kalas who is Bhairav of Mata Bimala Devi (Bhairavi with 64kalas). Lord Vishnu took the form of Jagannath in the 11 th century, Adi Shankaracharya times to give an opportunity for the people of this Kaliyug to do service to His Lotus feet, and thus to wash away few of our sins. Actually according to Skanda Purana, Odia Mahabharata and Manika Panjika, it is mentioned that Lord Jagannath is the 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu instead of Gautam Buddha.
The holy land of Odisha is divided into four kshetras as per Rigveda. These kshetras are named after the four names of weapons of Lord Vishnu such as sankha (conch shell), chakra (disc), gada (mace) and padma (lotus). Puri Dham is known as Sankha Kshetra. Bhubaneswar is Chakra Kshetra, Jajpura is Gada Kshetra, and Konark is Padma Kshetra. Sankha or conch shell is one of the Aiyudhas of Lord Vishnu, who resides in the naval or the central part of the Conch shell in the form of Lord Jagannath.
The geographical size of Puri resembles a right oriented conch shell, the ‘Dakshinavarta Sankha’, which is why it is also called the Sankha Kshetra. The Sankha Kshetra covers an area of 10 miles, out of which nearly 40% is submerged under water and the other part which lies above water is of the shape of a conch shell or Sankha. The sacred section of puri looks like a conch shell and it is in this section that all the sacred centres like temples, mathas, sacred tanks, trees and various other sacred sites are located.
The Char Dham defined by Adi Shankaracharya consists of two Vaishnavite, one Shaivite, and one mixed site. Geographically the Char Dham makes a perfect square with Badrinath and Rameswaram falling on the same longitude and Dwarka and Puri on the same latitude, representing the farthest north, east, west, and south points of India and four pillars at the time of Adi Shankara. During his extensive tour throughout India, he also established Mathas in those four places dedicated to the research and preservation of four Vedas. Jyotir Matha as an example at Badrinath, was assigned the task of maintaining and preserving of Atharv Veda. Sharada Matha at Dwaraka was assigned the task of maintaining and preserving the Sam Veda. Sringeri Matha at Sringeri hills in the South India was assigned the task of Yajur Veda and Govardhan Matha at Puri was assigned the task of Rig Veda.
From Rigveda; Tantra as a part which expands (vipula) on matters relating to essence (arthan) of philosophy (tattva) and mantra that help to attain liberation. Tattva is the study of the Absolute principle. Tantra brings the realization of tattva (tat=That) within ones experience, with the help of Mantra-Sadhana. Tantra is therefore an intuitional wisdom that liberates. At the same time, it is said, devotion and complete surrender is the secret of Tantra Sadhana. And, it is characterized by high regard, implicit obedience and unquestioned faith. Thousand years before our ancestors know about Kamasutra (84 vers) and display outer wall of all Kalinga Culture (the Rigveda Culture) you can see Puri Jagannath temple, Bhubaneswar Lingaraj Temple and Konark Sun Temple.
We still have a lot of good people trying to do good and stay on the path of righteousness. When there is complete anarchy and the evil will feel that it has no opposition, then Lord Kalki will come. All the avatars of Vishnu came to save mankind; the Mother Earth. Kaliyug is mainly ruled by rahu who is karak of material world or illusion world along with ketu (the spiritual). Lord Jagannath (illusions master of the world) is the most mysterious and controller of Rahu and ketu. Actually the motive of Lord Jagannath is to bring Peace among people and show that God is neither doesn't have any shape nor has any shape. Now it is up to the devotees to interpret with their own views. Jay Jagannath