I’m not sure about what I want to do in life. I want to ask you but I don't even know what to ask and what exactly I want. I get bored doing anything in very little time. I find myself being very moody. I’m not satisfied or happy doing anything. How can I live my life with this kind of mental state?

Question - Gurudev, I’m not sure about what I want to do in life. I want to ask you but I don't even know what to ask and what exactly I want. I get bored doing anything in very little time. I find myself being very moody. I’m not satisfied or happy doing anything. How can I live my life with this kind of mental state?

Gurudev Sri Sri - You want comfort too much. Get out of your comfort zone. You are only thinking of your comfort and pleasure; that is when you get into this sort of stage or state. You are here to be useful to somebody else. You are here to do something useful to someone. How can you be bored? Even if you are bored, you have to do that, because what you do is useful to someone else. If you are self-centered, and you think, 'If I like it only then I will do it', then that is not seva. That won't bring you satisfaction. Do you see what I'm saying? I don't like meeting people', but you are meeting people for your sake or for their sake? If you are m meeting people for their sake, then your life is fulfilling. You may say, 'Guruji, you can do this, but what about me? I cannot do this. At least do something. You don't have to do what I am doing; at least do a portion of it, maybe 5-10-%. See, I am very free, but yet I am not free. Every day of mine is bound. Do you see what I am saying? You have all come here to be in satsang with me, I will say, 'Oh, I don't feel like being here. I feel moody. I want to go somewhere, to Shawinigan, Trois-Riveres', and I take a car and just walk away and you are sitting here, waiting for Guruji, where is Guruji? I don't want to do this but I am doing it all the 365 days. I am answering the same questions, people are saying, 'Will you find a husband for me?' 'Will you find a wife for me?' or 'Get me a job', or do this, or do that, or take a picture with me, 'You don't care for me', 'You care for me', all these stories. Do I feel bored? I have been doing this for 30 years now, more than 30 years, even before The Art of Living too, for 40 years.


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