Every moment is too great
I had two angioplasties in 2004 and 2006 and thus remained on medication for 4 years. In January 2008, I did the Advance Course (my 6th one) in Ghoom with Sejalji.
It so happened that I had forgotten to carry my medicines on the course. On the first night at 2 am, I had a severe palpitation attack and angina. Luckily at that time Sejalji blessed me and it all subsided with one loose motion. Later, in April/May, again I experienced severe palpitation. To save me, two words from the AOL teachings “SO WHAT” overpowered my mind and this lamp of deep faith lit within my heart which made me believe that everything is being and will be taken care of by Guruji. With that I began to sink in deep, very deep relaxation and a feeling of infinity. And after that moment, no angina and no palpitation occurred. This happened without any medical regime. The enclosing and engulfing love of Guruji felt every moment is too great. Jai Gurudev
- Arvind Sharma