
Montreal Ashram, Quebec, Canada
20 July, 1995

Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change

Day 14 - Confusion

Decision comes only when there is confusion. When there is no confusion, there is no need of a decision. If there is a piece of wood and a biscuit on your desk, do you decide which one to eat? A decision is always about choice and choice is always confusing. 

The more decisions, the more confused you are, swinging always between pain and pleasure. So, all decision makers are confused. Are you confused, decided or happy? When you are confused there
is no freedom. Action is spontaneous when there is no actor. In you, there is an
actor and there is a witness. 

An actor is either confused or decisive, but the witness just observes and smiles. The more decisions you make, the more confused you are, and as a result you swing 1between pain and pleasure. The more the witness grows in you, the more playful and untouched you are. Trust, faith, love and joy all manifest in and around you.


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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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