It is so common to see this fern in Singapore, commonly growing as an epiphyte, nested between tree branches.
Asplenium nidus commonly known as the Bird's nest fern has its name's origin to the words
Asplenium, meaning without spleen and is usually a reference for the fern to cure spleen ailments. The species nidus (meaning nest) gives reference to the common name "Bird's Nest Fern" as it means "Nest-of-fledglings".
Asplenium nidus forms large simple fronds visually similar to banana leaves, with the fronds growing to 50–150 cm long and 10–20 cm broad. They are light green, often crinkled, with a black midrib, and exhibit circinate vernation. Spores develop in sori on the underside of the fronds.
The leaves of this fern are edible and the infusion of the leaves has been used to ease labor pains and the lotion obtained from the leaves has been known to be used to treat fever. This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any major dietary changes.
The fern is mainly grown as an ornamental plant. It is easy to grow in moist environment with moderate water and sun /semi-shade.