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Showing posts from November 20, 2023


Weekly Knowledge 254 Bangalore Ashram 25 May 2000 India IS GURU RESPONSIBLE? Is Guru responsible for your enlightenment? If yes and you don't get awakened, then Guru is to be blamed. And if you get freedom then also the Guru is to be blamed because he has been partial to you. If Guru could set you free, he could have done it to the whole world. So Guru is not responsible for your awakening. And yet freedom is next to impossible without Guru. So Guru is responsible and yet not responsible. This is a mystery. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २५४ २५ मई , 2000 भारत क्या गुरु उत्तरदायी है? क्या गुरुजी तुम्हारी ज्ञान- प्राप्ति के लिए उत्तरदायी है ? यदि हाँ, और तुममें जागरूकता नही आती, तो गुरु को दोषी ठहराना चाहिए। यदि तुम्हे मुक्ति मिलगई, तो भी दोष देना चाहिए क्योंकि उन्होंने तुम्हारे प्रति पक्षपात किया है। यदि गुरु तुम्हे मुक्त कर पाये, तो पूरे संसार को भी कर सकते है। इसलिए गुरु तुम्हारे जागरण के लिए उत्तरदायी नही है। परंतु मुक्ति गुरु के बिना असंभव है। तो गुरु उत्तरदाय...


Weekly Knowledge 255 Banglore Ashram 01 Jun 2000  India LIFE WITHOUT WISDOM IS INCOMPLETE Wisdom that doesn't give rise to feeling is incomplete. Feeling that doesn’t translate into action is incomplete. Action that doesn't give rise to fulfillment is incomplete. For Fulfillment, is returning to the Self. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र 1 जून, २००० भारत ज्ञान बिना जीवन अधूरा है जिस जीवन मे ज्ञान उदय नही हुआ, वह जीवन अधूरा है जिस ज्ञान ने भाव को उदय नही किया, वह ज्ञान अधूरा है। जो भाव क्रिया में परिणित नही हुआ, वह भाव अधूरा है। जो क्रिया तृप्ति को जन्म न दे, वह क्रिया अधूरी है। तृप्ति है स्वयं में स्थिर होना। 🌸जय गुरुदेव🌸


Weekly Knowledge 256 Bangalore Ashram 07 Jun 2000  India EDUCATION Education has five aspects- 1. Information -- Often we think information is education, but it is only one aspect of education. 2. Concepts -- Concepts are the basis for all research. You need to conceive in order to create. 3. Attitude -- An integral aspect of education is cultivating the right attitude. Proper attitude at the right time and place determines your actions and behavior. 4. Imagination -- Imagination is essential for creativity, for the arts. But if you get stuck in imagination, you may become psychotic. 5. Freedom -- Freedom is your very nature. Only with freedom, do joy, generosity and other human values blossom. Without freedom, attitudes become stifling, concepts become a burden, information is of no value and imagination becomes stagnant. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २५६ ७ जून, २००० आश्रम, बंगलोर, भारत शिक्षा शिक्षा के पांच पहलू है: जानकारी: अक्सर हम जानकारी को शिक्षा समझते है ...


Weekly Knowledge 257 Bad Antogast 15 Jun 2000 Germany TRUTH Truth is that which does not change. Examine your life and identify all that changes as not truth. With this outlook, you will find that you are surrounded by only untruth. When you identify that which appears to you as untruth, then you will become free from it. When you don't identify the untruth, you cannot become free from it. Your own experiences in life make you identify your own untruth. As you mature in life, you find everything is untruth - events, situations, people, emotions, thoughts, opinions, concepts, your body - everything is untruth. It is only then the satsang (company of truth) in the real sense happens. For example, a mother cannot see the child as untruth until the child becomes an adult. For a baby sweet is not untruth, and for a teenager sex is not untruth. Question: Is Knowledge also untruth? Sri Sri: Yes, if it is words, it is untruth. But as existence it is truth. Love as an emotio...


Weekly Knowledge 258 Halifax 22 Jun 2000 Canada I AM NEITHER HONEST NOR HUMBLE!! A lady - I want an honest and humble man in my life. Sri Sri - I am neither honest nor humble. (Everyone shocked) Sri Sri - I cannot tell everyone I am God, as not everyone will understand. So I am not honest. I am not humble - how can God be humble! If I am humble I am not honest. If I'm honest I can not be humble!!! (Laughter) Hide your dispassion and express your love. By expressing dispassion you lose enthusiasm in life. And by not expressing love you feel stifled. Expressing dispassion may bring ego. Hide dispassion in your heart like the roots of a tree. And express love like a ripe fruit. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २५८ २२ जून, २००० कनाडा मैं न ईमानदार हूं, न ही विनम्र एक महिला: मुझे अपने जीवन में ईमानदार और विनम्र व्यक्ति की चाहत है। श्री श्री: मैं न ईमानदार हूं और न ही विनम्र। (सभी अचंभित होते है) मैं हर एक से यह नही कह सकता कि मैं ईश्वर हूं क्योंकि हर व्यक्ति य...


Weekly Knowledge 260 Quebec Ashram 05 Jul 2000  Canada LEGENDS Legendary is the love that withstands rejection. It will be free of anger and ego. Legendary is the commitment that withstands humiliation. It will be one-pointed and will reach the goal. Legendary is the wisdom that withstands turbulence. It will be integrated in life. Legendary is the faith that withstands a million chances of doubt. It will bring perfection (siddhis). Legendary are the events that withstand time. They will become morals for the millions.  🌻Jai Guru Dev 🌻 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २६० ५ जुलाई, २००० कनाडा अमरत्व अमर है वह प्रेम जो तिरस्कार से जाए- वह प्रेम क्रोध और अहं से मुक्त होगा। अमर है वह प्रतिबद्धता जो अपमान को सह जाए- वह केंद्रित है और मंजिल को पा लेगी। अमर है वह ज्ञान जो बड़ी से बड़ी उथल-पुथल को सहन करें- वह जीवन मे संकलित होगा। अमर है वह निष्ठा जो संदेह की हजारों संशयो को सह जाए- वह जीवन मे सिद्धिया लाएगी। अमर है वे घटनाए जो समय को सह जाए वे लाखो लोगो के जीवन का सिद्धान्त बनेगी। 🌸ज...


Weekly Knowledge 261 Lake Tahoe,California 12 Jul 2000 United States ARGUMENTS AND WRONG ACTION A person who argues should not be given knowledge. An argumentative mind is not receptive to knowledge. When someone is in an argumentative mood, then giving knowledge or advice is in vain. In an argumentative mood you feel you know it all. Then you are not ready for knowledge. That is why wise people do not give advice when they are in an argumentative environment. Argument has a purpose. It can bring out the truth if there is no emotion or sense of "I" attached to it. Argument can also have a disadvantage. It can make untruth appear to be truth. A wise man will not take arguments seriously; he will just have fun with them. Wisdom is beyond all arguments. ***** Both a worldly person and a spiritual person will tell you not to do wrong, though the reasons they give are totally different. A worldly person will tell you not to do wrong because it hurts or causes him...


Weekly Knowledge 262 Lake Tahoe,California 19 Jul 2000 United States VIRTUES Virtues cannot be cultivated. You have to assume that they are there. In the Gita, Krishna said to Arjuna, "Grieve not Arjuna, you are born with virtues." The seeker should remember that he is born with virtues; otherwise he could not have been a seeker. If you think you do not have virtues and then try to cultivate them, you will fail. You often compare yourself with others on the basis of virtues. Do not compare yourself with them. Simply recognize all the virtues you appreciate in others, and realize that they are already present in you in seed form. You only have to nurture them. When you think you do not have a virtue, then you come from a space of lack or deficiency. Caroline: Aho! That is why we don't need positive affirmations! Alice: Affirmations really don't work anyway. Sri Sri: Affirmations do not work because you think you do not have those virtues, and with affi...

When you don't worry whether you win or lose

When you don't worry whether you win or lose, or you don't even consider its effect, you give your hundred percent, then that is really playing, that is a real game. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 


Weekly Knowledge 267 European Ashram 24 Aug 2000 Germany PROBLEMS? ONE MORE The first solution to the problem is not to have the problem at all. (Laughter) The second thing is to willingly accept the problem and see it as a challenge. Third, know that the problem is a boogey man, it is not real. Fourth, know that nature has provided you the solution even before giving you the problem. First you met me and then you had a problem (Laughter). When it snows, there are no bacteria since no herbs to heal you grow in that season. In the spring, the herbs come first and then the bugs. In the summer, the shade comes before the summer sun gets strong. So, nature takes good care of you. Sabya: What if the longing is a problem? Sri Sri: Longing ripens you. Do not solve all your problems. At least keep one of them. You need something to munch on - and life goes on... 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २६७ १७ अगस्त, २००० जर्मनी समस्याएं? एक और समस्या का सबसे पहला समाधान है कि क...


Weekly Knowledge 269 Montreal Ashram 08 Sep 2000 Canada WISE ARE THE ONES WHO MAKE YOU CRY FOR THE DIVINE Unfortunate are those who cry for the world. Fortunate are those who cry for the Divine. Unwise are those who make you cry for the world. Wise are those who make you cry for the Divine. The source of conflict is the division of "mine" and "yours." Knowledge eases the sense of limited belongingness and resolves this conflict. It is amazing when knowledge dawns in you that there is no stranger in the whole world! At the same time, the nearest one remains unknown to you. Shirish Suchak: Why do our nearest ones often remain strangers? Sri Sri: Because no one can understand anyone totally. Life is a mystery! Marcy: But Guruji, you understand us totally! (laughter) Sri Sri: Wake up and see. All these distinctions "me, mine, others" simply dissolve. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २६९ ७ सितंबर, २००० कनाडा ज्ञानी वे होते है जो तुम्हे परमात्मा...


Weekly Knowledge 270 Agra 16 Sep 2000 India DO YOU HAVE TO BE THANKFUL AND FEEL OBLIGED? When you are on a spiritual path, you are not thankful or obliged to anybody. In the Gita, Krishna says, "He is dear to Me who neither goes on thanking people nor hates anyone (Na abhinandati na dveshthi)." Thanking and feeling obliged indicates that you believe in some one else's existence rather than in the Divine who is ruling everything. When you feel obliged, then you are not honoring the principles of karma or the divine plan. Appreciate people for what they are, do not thank them for what they do. Otherwise your thankfulness is centered around ego. You are grateful, but not for an act. You are grateful for what is. As every individual is nothing but a puppet of the ONE, thanking and being obliged is simply an exhibition of ignorance. Everything is ruled, controlled and managed by one Divinity, that consciousness has to shine forth in every act of yours; you do not ...


Weekly Knowledge 271 Banglore Ashram 21 Sep 2000  India DIVINE LOVE AND THE COMPLAINING FACE How would you like to see yourself happy and bubbling with enthusiasm or dull and difficult to please? Often you like to be pleased, appeased and cajoled. So you put up a tough, upset face and act difficult to please. If a person has to appease and please ten people all the time, it will be so tiring. People who keep a long face and expect others to cajole and appease them make others run away. Lovers often do this. They expend a lot of energy in cajoling and this brings down the joy and celebration of the moment. It is okay for you to show your upset mood or tendency once in a while, but doing it over and over again is taxing for you and people you love. If you feel down, appease and please yourself. Your need to be appeased by someone else is the sign of grossness. This is the root of ignorance. If you want attention, all you get is tension. Become one whose enthusiasm never d...

Gurudev In Satsang From Bangalore Ashram 19th November 2023

🌟 Sieve is a symbol of discrimination. Water symbolizes love. Sun is the source of all life. As we harvest summer crop, we thank the Sun God, offering water with discrimination so that all our senses become content. Chatth Puja celebrates contenment.  🌟 Emotional stability is of great concern in today's world, especially among teenagers. We need to immunize our children for all emotional situations. Peace education is a must today. This is where yoga, pranayama and meditation have a vital role to play.


Weekly Knowledge 323 24 Sep 2001  India WAR: WORST ACT OF REASON Worst Act of Reason is War. Every war has a reason, and the reason justifies the war. Those who engage in war, reason it out. But reason is limited. As reason changes, justification falls apart. All the reasons for every war appear to be justifiable to some limited minds and for limited time. Hence, war becomes inevitable on this planet. War is limited to human beings. No other species in creation engage in war or mass destruction, as they have no reason. Animals have their prey and let everything just be. But mankind, from time immemorial, has been engaging in war because Man lives on reason. Man gives reason to every act of his and justifies it. As reasons change, his justifications fall apart. Man has to transcend reason, and only then can he realize the Divinity. Then he does not engage in war. Only when people become sensible, rise above hatred and have heightened consciousness can the war be stopped....


Weekly Knowledge 324 Bad Antogast 28 Sep 2001  Germany TERRORISM: THE CAUSE AND THE REMEDY The act which is only destructive and inflicts suffering both on oneself and others is terrorism. In such an act, human values are lost in the process of achieving a goal. Some of the factors that lead to terrorism are:- Frustration and desperation to achieve a goal Confused emotion Shortsightedness and Impulsive action Belief in a non-verifiable concept of heaven and merit; a childish concept of God favoring some and angry at others, thereby undermining the omniscience and omnipotence of the Divine. Terrorism induces fear psychosis in all, increases poverty, suffering and loss of life with no apparent gains. Instead of solutions the terrorist looks for destruction as an answer. If you simply criticize without giving a solution, know that this criticism comes from the same seed as terrorism! Although there are certain qualities you can appreciate in a terrorist such as:- Fearlessn...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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