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Showing posts from November 19, 2023


Weekly Knowledge 272 Bangalore Ashram 28 Sep 2000 India DEVOTEE BECOMES GOD When a river meets the ocean, the river no longer remains a river. It becomes the ocean. A drop of the ocean is part of the ocean. In the same way, the moment a devotee meets (surrenders to) the Divine, the devotee becomes GOD. When the river meets the ocean, it recognizes that it is the ocean from the beginning to the end. Similarly, the individual dissolves in ONE Divinity. Question: What about backwaters? Sri Sri: Sometimes the ocean goes into the river to greet it. Sometimes it seems that the ocean is pushing back the river. Similarly, the Divine puts many questions and doubts in the mind or gives an amazing experience to bring one back home. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २७२ २७ सितंबर, २००० भारत भक्त भगवान बन जाता है जब नदी सागर से मिल जाती है वह नदी नही रह जाती सागर बन जाती है। समुद्र की बूंद समुद्र का ही अंश है। इसी प्रकार भक्त जैसे ही ईश्वर से मिलता है या समर्पण करता है भगवान बन जाता...


Weekly Knowledge 273 Bangalore Ashram 07 Oct 2000 India STEEPED IN MYSTERY IS DEVOTION One who is not amazed by the magnificence of this Creation, his eyes are not yet opened. Once your eyes are open, they close and this is called meditation. (Laughter) Tell me, what in this Creation? Is not a mystery? Birth is a mystery; death is a mystery. If both birth and death are mysterious, then life is certainly a greater mystery. Isn't it? Being completely immersed in the mystery of Life and this Creation is Samadhi. Your knowing or believing doesn't really matter to what Is. This Creation is an unfathomable secret, and its mysteries only deepen. Getting steeped in mystery is Devotion. The "Scene" is a mystery; the "Seer" is a mystery. Deepening the mystery of Creation is science. Deepening the mystery of the Self is spirituality. They are the two sides of the same coin. If neither Science nor Spirituality can create wonder and devotion in you, then you...


Weekly Knowledge 275 Banglore Ashram 18 Oct 2000 India IGNORANCE OF YOUR CAPABILITY CAN EXPAND YOU! Always know that the Divine never gives you a responsibility you cannot fulfill. Nobody ever expects you to treat them if you are not a doctor. Nobody will ask you to fix their wiring system if you are not an electrician. Your responsibility is only what you can do. And you do not know what you can do! Always accept that you do not know what you can do. Ignorance of your capability can expand you! When you know what you can do, you can progress. But when you do not know what you can do, you can grow by leaps and bounds! When you know what you can do, you can do things. When you do not know what you can do, you can do things even better! 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २७५ १८ अकटुबर, २००० बंगलोर आश्रम, भारत अपनी क्षमता की अज्ञानता तुम्हे विशाल बनाती है हमेशा यह जान लो कि ईश्वर कभी तुम्हे ऐसी जिम्मेदारी नही देगा जिसे तुम पूर्ण करने के लिए समर्थ न हो। यदि तुम डॉक्टर न...


Weekly Knowledge 276 Bangalore Ashram 26 Oct 2000 India LOVE IS THE SHADOW OF THE SELF When you love something, you have a sense of belongingness with it. You can only love something, because it is belongs to you. If it is not yours, you cannot love it. Love is the shadow of the Self. The bigger the Self, the bigger the shadow, and the bigger the love. When the love is cast over the entire creation, then you are the Big Self. That is the Lordship. When the Lordship dawns on the Self, there is perennial celebration. Deepawali happens. Today is Deepawali, the festival of lights. There are many stories associated with this day. It was this day that the demon Narakasaura was killed. King Narakasura (Naraka means hell) had been granted a boon that he could be destroyed only by a woman. Lord Krishna's wife Satyabhama was the one to destroy him. Why only Satyabhama could kill Naraka? Satya means truth and bhama means the beloved. Untruth or lack of love cannot conquer hell. I...


Weekly Knowledge 277 Jamshedpur 03 Nov 2000 India ARE YOU A TOURIST OR A PILGRIM? What is the difference between a tourist and a pilgrim? Both are on a journey. Whereas a tourist is satisfying the senses, a pilgrim is in the quest of the truth. A tourist gets tired and tanned, while a pilgrim sparkles with spirit. Every move a pilgrim makes is with sacredness and gratitude, while a tourist is often preoccupied and unaware. A tourist compares with other experiences and places and hence is not in the present moment. But a pilgrim has a sense of sacredness, so he tends to be in the present moment. Most people in life are just tourists without even being aware of it. Only a few make their life a pilgrimage. Tourists come, look around, take pictures in their mind, only to come back again. Pilgrims are at home everywhere and are hollow and empty. When you consider life as sacred, nature waits on you. Are you a tourist or a pilgrim? 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २७७ ३...


Weekly Knowledge 279 New Delhi 15 Nov 2000 India NIMIT - INSTRUMENT OF THE DIVINE When you are neither clear nor confused, only then can you be a perfect instrument of the Divine! How would an instrument know what is going to be, and when? How can an instrument be confused, and how can an instrument be clear! This state is called Nimit - just being an instrument of the Divine. Being very clear means not opening to new possibilities and can lead to limitations. Unlimited possibilities are open to one who is not clear and not confused. Your mind swings from clarity to confusion and confusion to clarity but the state in which there is no doership nor inertia is the most creative and progressive state. Sharmila: Will this not lead to lethargy? Sri Sri: No. A sharp instrument does its job perfectly, effortlessly. Sharmila: What about focus? Sri Sri: Focus is natural to a dynamic consciousness. Confusion arises when new information flows in and clarity is lost. Then confusio...


Weekly Knowledge 322 20 Sep 2001  India REVERENCE AND OWNERSHIP Often you do not have reverence for that which you own. Whatever you revere becomes bigger than you. When you have reverence in all your relationships then your own consciousness expands. Then even small things appear to be significant and big. Every little creature appears to be dignified. It is the reverence in every relationship that saves the relationship. Often you lose reverence for that which you own, and this happens unconsciously. When you have reverence for the whole universe, you are in harmony with the while universe. Then, you do not need to reject or renounce anything of this universe. Reverence in ownership frees you from greed, jealousy and lust. Cultivate the skill of having reverence every moment in your life. 🌻Jai Guru Dev🌻  *Hindi translation* साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ३२२ २४ सितंबर, २००१ भारत सम्मान और आधिपत्य जिसके प्रति तुम्हारा आधिपत्य होता है प्रायः उसके प्रति तुम्हारा आदर नही रहता...

Hungry for Power

Weekly Knowledge 320 Bangalore Ashram 30 Aug 2001  India Hungry for Power Why are people hungry for power? People are hungry for power because they want attention and recognition. Power is a means, just like money. Passion is for an end. People who do not see power or money as a means, but see it as an end in itself, they do not live, they simply exist. If you do not realize that you are THE power -- that is to say that you are enlightened, then you crave for power. You crave for attention and recognition if: You don’t have any talents, You have no love or passion, You are not innocent and childlike. If you don’t have any talent and you are not contributing anything substantial to society, like an artist or a scientist, or an Art of Living teacher or volunteer, then you are hungry for power. If you don’t have love or passion to bring about transformation in the society, then you are hungry for power. If you are not innocent and childlike and don’t have a sense of belong...

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