Weekly Knowledge 272 Bangalore Ashram 28 Sep 2000 India DEVOTEE BECOMES GOD When a river meets the ocean, the river no longer remains a river. It becomes the ocean. A drop of the ocean is part of the ocean. In the same way, the moment a devotee meets (surrenders to) the Divine, the devotee becomes GOD. When the river meets the ocean, it recognizes that it is the ocean from the beginning to the end. Similarly, the individual dissolves in ONE Divinity. Question: What about backwaters? Sri Sri: Sometimes the ocean goes into the river to greet it. Sometimes it seems that the ocean is pushing back the river. Similarly, the Divine puts many questions and doubts in the mind or gives an amazing experience to bring one back home. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र २७२ २७ सितंबर, २००० भारत भक्त भगवान बन जाता है जब नदी सागर से मिल जाती है वह नदी नही रह जाती सागर बन जाती है। समुद्र की बूंद समुद्र का ही अंश है। इसी प्रकार भक्त जैसे ही ईश्वर से मिलता है या समर्पण करता है भगवान बन जाता...
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