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Showing posts from November 7, 2023

Vitex negundo , Chaste Tree, Five-Leaf Chaste Tree, Nirgundi

Vitex negundo (Common name: Chaste Tree, Five-Leaf Chaste Tree, Nirgundi) - Verbenaceae, an important medicinal plant.  Chaste tree contains Chrysoplenol D, a substance with anti-histamine properties and muscle relaxant. The leaves, flowers, seeds and root of Chaste tree can all be used as herbal medicine. A decoction is made by boiling the parts of the plant and taken orally. Today, Chaste tree is available in capsule form and syrup for cough.  Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Justicia paniculata , Bitterweed, King of Bitters, Creat, Green Chireta, Kalmegh, Indian Echinachea

Medicinal_Plants Andrographis paniculata Syn.: Justicia paniculata (Common Name: Bitterweed, King of Bitters, Creat, Green Chireta, Kalmegh, Indian Echinachea) –  Acanthaceae, an erect annual herb extremely bitter in taste in all parts of the plant. Since ancient times, Kariyat is used as a wonder drug in traditional Siddha and Ayurvedic systems of medicine as well as in tribal medicine in India and some other countries for multiple clinical applications. The plant extract exhibits antityphoid and antifungal activities. This common weed in the tropics and subtropics grows well in most soil types in semi-shade. Its white flowers have purple streaks and can self-pollinate.  Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Hyacinth bean , Lablab purpureus , Poor man's bean, is a native of Africa

783.🪻🫛 Hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) also known as Poor man's bean, is a native of Africa. A vigorously trailing, twining herbaceous plant.  🪻🫛Stems are usually purplish in color, robust, hairy and trailing up to 3-6m in length. Leaves are trifoliate with 3 somewhat triangular leaflets, 2 facing each other and one terminal leaflet. Pinkish pea like flowers are borne in upright clusters. 🪻🫛It has pinkish-red, slightly curved, and flattened, thick, bean pods, often cultivated as a pulse or fodder crop. The beans can be toxic when eaten raw, but edible if boiled and cooked properly. 🪻🫛Scientific name: Lablab purpureus Common names: Hyacinth bean, Lablab bean, Poor man's bean Family: Fabaceae Native Distribution: Africa, Western Indian Ocean (Madagascar) Reference Plants of Singapore

Be genuine, be yourself!

Drop the craze to be attractive and charming. That is the worst thing you can have. Just be yourself. Remove all those masks that you wear of yourself. Be genuine, be yourself!  Gurudev @SriSri 

Meditation makes you sharper, happier, and intuitive

Meditation makes you sharper, happier, and intuitive. Don't you want intuition? Don't you want the right thought to come to you at the right time? Gurudev @SriSri

SATSANG NOTES With Gurudev...Bangalore Ashram 04.11 2023

SATSANG NOTES With Gurudev... Bangalore Ashram 04.11 2023 Q. You have mentioned earlier that soul is the same size for ant as well as am elephant. What really is the size of soul? G: Sun is so big, yet it gets reflected fully in a small mirror as well as a big mirror. Size, shape, form don't pertain to the soul.  Q. What do I do if I start enjoying negativity? G: You must be getting some pleasure out of it, it's a distortion. It's not very healthy for you. Q. In world cup, India played Pakistan. People say that we should not play when there's so much terrorism from Pakistan. What's your opinion? G: We should not mix culture, sports, spirituality etc with politics. Don't brand that all the people of Pakistan are bad. We had 150 people from Pakistan participate in WCF. They did a very good performance. We should minimise conflict. This doesn't mean we're keeping quiet or get complacent with terrorism or wrong doings. When there's wrong doing, we should...

Know that life is eternal

Know that life is eternal, yet embrace each day as if it is your last. Balancing these opposites brings joy and drops restlessness. It makes you calm and dynamic at the same time. Gurudev @SriSri 

Only positive energy has existence

Only positive energy has existence. Negative energy does not exist at all. Negative energy means lack of positive energy. 

Nobody gives happiness or misery

There is a beautiful Sanskrit proverb that says, “Nobody gives happiness or misery. It is created by one’s own mind.” You question people, “Why did you behave like that? Why did you insult me?” It is useless to do so. You should have compassion and feel, “Oh this person does not have that refined level of consciousness.” If you don’t want to be insulted, then nobody can insult you. If you are basing your life on these feelings, you will be ruined because emotions are not stable at all. And not only are you bothered by your feelings, you also bother everybody by your feelings which are anyway momentary. ~ Sri Sri

Xanthium indicum , Common Cocklebur, broad bur, burdock datura, clotbur, rough cocklebur

Xanthium strumarium Syn.: Xanthium indicum (Common name: Common Cocklebur, broad bur, burdock datura, clotbur, rough cocklebur) -  Asteraceae, all of us have known this plant from our childhood. One can’t miss it when the seeds are ripe. The fruits are covered with numerous hooks and kids have fun throwing it at people and sticking it to their woolen clothing. According to Ayurveda, X. strumarium is cooling, laxative, fattening, anthelmintic, alexiteric, tonic, digestive, antipyretic, and improves appetite, voice, complexion, and memory. It cures leukoderma, biliousness, poisonous bites of insects, epilepsy, salivation and fever. Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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