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Showing posts from October 19, 2023

You are Indivisible, Undivided

Eternal Infinite Bliss  Pointer 3 You are Indivisible, Undivided, Unbroken, inseparable Akhand Brahmand  You are not a body,  You are not a mind, You are not senses,  You are not thoughts, You are not what you are doing,  You are not what you have , You are not what you think about yourself  You are not all that you can think or imagine.. You are beyond all known.  You are Unknown to yourself That's why you are  always fresh , new and full of energy.  You can say  I am exist but I can't figure out myself What I am and What I am not I am exist with out knowing myself is the awareness of pure presence and  You are awareness of this pure presence  Your presence is occupied the Whole Space. That pure presence you are. In your presence all are just happening.  In your absence nothing will happen  Still you are not doer You are  witness of that happening. All things spontaneously happen like waves came and ...

Dwarf morning-glory or Round Leaf Bindweed, Evolvulus nummularius

Dwarf morning-glory or Round Leaf Bindweed (Evolvulus nummularius) is a creeping weed from the family Convolvulaceae, native to tropical America; naturalized in China (Yunnan), India, Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia and Africa. It is a perennial herb with somewhat round leaves that are notched at the base and are alternately arranged. Small, white flowers usually solitary, are produced in leaf axils.  In Indian traditional folk medicine, the whole plant is used as a medicine for hysteria, to cure burns, cuts, wounds and scorpion stings. In Nepal, the paste of the plant is used to treat scabies. Locally it was first recorded in 2016 along a pavement in Hougang . Reference Plants of Singapore

Inner Self - the light

Chapter 10 - The Eight Limbs Of Yoga  Day 88 With personal hygiene and cleanliness, your attachment to the physical body is lifted up. You become more aware of your inner Self - the light and inner body that you are, craving for certain parts of the body begins in our mind, because one does not understand this body totally.  Underneath this skin, it is all bones, flesh, nerves, etc. This lack of total understanding of the body brings up different forms of obsessions and mania in people. They cannot be satisfied with anything but their obsessions and they become violent.  That is why there are many crimes of sex are committed. It is lack of understanding of one's own body. Shaucha, cleanliness establishes sattva shuddhi - the mind becomes sattvic, the brain, the buddhi and the intellect gets purified. Saumanasya - the mind becomes even and harmonious.  There is one-pointedness and control over one's sense organs. It is the ability to realise one's Self com...

Wake up and be Aware

Chapter 10 - The Eight Limbs Of Yoga  Day 87 There are three types of violence, untruth and all the opposite values. These can be done by us or we can make somebody else do them because we do not want to do it ourselves or we can agree with somebody who does it.  They arise from lobha - greed, krodha - anger and moha - delusion. When you are greedy, you make someone else do what you want to be done. The negative principle thrive because of greed, violence, or untruth.  When a person is greedy, he does not see things as they are. This is also true of a person who is angry. His discriminating mind gets clouded and he loses his powers of discrimination. He is not aware of what he is doing. So, when you do something or approve of some action, you should check if it is anger, attachment or your delusion which is stimulating you. They could be mild, medium or in excess. They bring sorrow, dukha and ajnaana, ignorance - a chain of sorrow and ignorance.  This is ...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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