Bitterweed, King of Bitters, Creat, Chiretta, Indian Echinachea, Hempedu bumi (Mal), Sambiloto (Indo), Fa-Talai-Jorn (Thai)(Chinese): 穿心莲 Chuan Xin Lian , Andrographis paniculata, Justicia paniculata
Bitterweed ( Andrographis paniculata) is a herbaceous plant from the family Acanthaceae, native to Indo-China and South East Asia. The plant's oppositely placed, glossy, dark green, lanceolate leaves are extremely bitter. Flowers are produced in terminal panicles , the petals are white and splotched with purple spots. These mature to small, upright, hairy capsules that dehisce explosively to release numerous small seeds. Well known for centuries as “wonder drug” in folk medicine. Whole plant extremely bitter to the taste. Leaves can be eaten raw, harvested for medicinal purposes, contain maximum concentration of active constituents when harvested 2 months before plants start flowering. A direct translation of the Malay name, ‘hempedu bumi’ is ‘bile of the earth’. It is traditionally used as a tonic throughout South East Asia, China and India. Scientific testing shows that it can functio...