Buchanania arborescens, Sparrow's Mango, Little Gooseberry, 'Otak Udang' literally means "prawn's brains".
Sparrow's Mango (Buchanania arborescens) is a medium sized tree that can grow up to 35 m tall, and may sometimes have buttresses upto 1 m high. Bark is smooth, greyish brown, red on the inside, and oozes harmless greyish gum when cut. Crown is compact with upright leaves that are spirally arranged. The stalked leaves have leathery leaf blades that are green, oval to drop-shaped, with a blunt tip, and network-like venation.. Young leaves are reddish in color. Its flowering shoots are 5.5–22 cm long, and bear small creamish-white flowers with 5-6 petals. Fruits are tiny, globular, about 1 cm in diameter, reddish to purple-black when ripe. These are eaten by sparrows, imperial pigeons and other birds. Aboriginal people of Australia eat the fruit raw. Unripe fruits may be boiled and cooked. When ripe, they become sweet and pulpy, like gooseberries, although their rind is ...