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Showing posts from June 8, 2023

The ONE medicine for all our problems is Meditation

The Master's Voice 11 Our life's were simple and straight, till we did not use much of our mind. Our duty and responsibility was to listen to the parents and elders, apart from the Teachers and Guru. Just follow the path. But having 5 sense organs which open towards to the outer world, we wavered. What we saw and liked, we Desired. What we Heard and sounded good, we Desired. What we smelt and found good, we Desired. What we tasted and liked, we Desired. The touch, the feel that we liked, we Desired. On each and every step, the Maaya had laid its trap, be it a beautiful woman or handsome guy. Any or every feature appeared attractive and we started to get attached. Our likes, wants and desires started right from the childhood. Be it a book, notebook, pencil or rubber or school dress and shoes. As our wants got fulfilled through the parents and elders, our desires kept increasing as we grew. It now became, Mobile, Laptop, tabs and fashionable outfits. If we just see through, we wi...

Meditation can only give us THE DARSHAN

The Master's Voice 12 The Master's say, " In this world we think all the objects are apart from us, hence we desire for the things. The moment we will understand that the things are nothing but a thought form or illusion, we will no longer DESIRE. All the things are like water bubbles, we are the water and the objects are bubbles. They cannot exist apart from water, but they're quite not same as the water." We, The Soul - His Particles, are the water. The rest are bubbles that when we try to catch hold of bursts. The object loses its Thought created identity. Thus, our aim should be to seek the soul, His Particle. Because it is only an awakened Soul, which will seek the company of True Father and The True Home. This is possible only if we can keep our mind Pure, far away from the worldly thoughts or Maaya. A mind keen on intellect to resolve all the objectives towards Realisation of The Self shall be a true friend. The Mind when filled with the yearning to meet Th...

Leopard tree (Libidibia ferrea)

Leopard tree (Libidibia ferrea) is a medium sized tree native to Brazil and hails from the family of legumes , Fabaceae.  It has a slender trunk and flat topped crown. The feathery foliage of bipinnate leaves has tiny leaflets, providing light shade in summer. The tree also offers panicle spikes of sunny yellow flowers, at the stem tips. The yellow petals of flowers are dotted with red spots. The fruit is an oblong woody bean. The tree’s best feature, though, is its smooth, mottled trunk, and ivory bark with brown or gray patches. It peels as the tree matures, increasing the effect. This mottled bark is the basis for the common name, the leopard tree. The wood of this tree is quite hard and strong and hence it is also known by the name ironwood.  Source: Picture credits: NParks Reference Plants of...


‘Sudarshan Kriya’ is an advanced yoga breathing exercise very few people in this world have heard of, or tried. Its description says, ‘This unique breathing technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed.’ Benefits like this sounded great, so I was keen to give Sudarshan Kriya a go.  Little did I know what I was letting myself in for.  The exercise is practiced, for 10 minutes each day, as part of the Art of Living program (look it up). However, there is an extended session, lasting 30 minutes, which is particularly powerful. How does it work?  After a few loosening stretches, you sit on a chair, in a darkened, quiet room and start to breathe in and out in a controlled, rhythmic fashion. A few slow breaths to start. Then medium pace, then fast.  Slow, Medium, Fast.  Slow, Medium, Fast.  Repeat for 30 minutes.  It is quite a workout. For the first ...

Leave Anger aside and be happy

The Master's Voice 10 In today's world, one of the most common word in every household is Anger. Sometimes it is the mother or father, who is angry. Sometimes it is the kids, who are angry. Earlier times, it was the elders who used to get angry on a wrong deed of kids and younger family members. The Respect and love for elders ensured that each word of elders was taken piously and necessary changes was brought in self. As we fell prey to Ego, every individual, be it a child or elders, we believe we know everything and we do not need any corrective suggestions. When we get those suggestions from elders, we are not able to accept it, due to our EGO. We take the easy way out and get angry. Similarly, when someone tries to hurt or destroy something we are ATTACHED to, we get angry.  Sometimes we get angry on others success too. Our GREED wants us to go and achieve a bigger success than the other person. For example, if a neighbour has purchased a big car, and my not being able to g...

We have the company of four Gurus - Mother, Father, Guru and The Lord.

The Master's Voice 13 In our life time, The Master's say, we have the company of four Gurus - Mother, Father, Guru and The Lord. Mother introduces us to this world and enlightens us to the surroundings. Father gives us the vision as to how we can earn our livelihood. Teachers at school and college give us knowledge about the worldly things. The Master shows The path for Self Realisation. The Spiritual Path requires an experienced MASTER to lead us to eternity.  The Lord is The Soul's Master, The True Father. Upon Self Realisation, by treading on the path shown by The Master, we can have His Darshan and Merge in Him. This is True Salvation and Moksha, that we are earning for. A small anecdote as to what is it that we should seek from The Master. Once, a disciple asked The Master, “What is that one thing O Master, knowing which all doubts are resolved?”  The Master replied, “Know the doubter; if the doubter be held, the doubts will not arise. Recognize for certain that all a...

We can never find The Master, it is The Master who finds us.

The Master's Voice 14 Who will be a Seeker of The Lord? How can we find The Master? The Master's say, "Every Soul that has taken the human form is bestowed with an opportunity to reach The True Home. On each and every path, they are given an opportunity to choose from Right path and wrong path." For example, a traditional Hindu family spends time on religious activities like visiting temples, prayers and Bhajans. A child has got ample opportunity to stay on the right path and become a seeker. Whereas, if his set of companion and friends distract him and lead him towards outer activities, he may not spend as much time on temples, prayers and Bhajans. He is busy in other activities and forgotten to be in the remembrance of The Lord. The child who alongwith his parents had been doing prayer and temple visit has created a regular habit. He has earmarked a daily routine of Remembrance of The Lord. When in Remembrance of The Lord, our natural tendency will be to be a good h...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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